I am a renegade gorilla grandmother, totally preoccupied with the search for inspiration.....

I am a renegade gorilla grandmother, totally preoccupied with the search for inspiration.....
Very likely you also have felt the necessity to search, to over-turn all the swill that the mainstream media and the corporate world have doped us up with since our earliest years. Now we are older, our vision is broader we have studied outside the box and are finally coming together on the world stage as a wise and powerful force to reckon with. I salute you all! May the force and source bring out the best and the most in and for us all! For "All a We Are One!"

With Massive Creative Action - Together We Can Build A Healthier More Fair and Rewarding World.

Although I was born and raised in the USA, I also spent 19 years adding to my education by studying, painting, mentoring and teaching in the Islands of the West Indies. I am sure that I learned more from my adventures than I ever taught anyone. I lived without telephone, without running water, without an automobile and without medical intervention. I survived with the help of a thousand new friends. My story on blog xxx x x x xx(to be named and written later, sorry.)


Women of History. Some Questions.

MARTHA MITCHELL, 1976,  WHY WAS THIS OUT-SPOKEN WOMEN KIDNAPPED? James McCord, Jr., employed as Chief of Security for Mitchell's Committee to Re-elect Richard Nixon, was one of the five men arrested. McCord was formerly employed by the CIA for 19 years. His position with the CIA was Chief of Security over the entire grounds, the immense compound at Langley, Virginia.
Nine persons, all registered with false names taken from CIA novels written by Howard Hunt, stayed at the Watergate Hotel May 26-29 and again June 17 & 18. Five of them, the night of their arrest, had been discovered when security guard Frank Wills noticed pieces of Scotch tape over the door locks. Washington police arrived and made the arrests.
All of the five men caught in the Democratic headquarters were connected with the CIA in some way. The other relationship they had in common was having worked together for the CIA-planned Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.


A great contribution to society! www.GreenStringInstitute.org


The Many Faces of Wisdom

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." - Dr. Suess
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Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Heart in the Art, Eyes on the Stars and Feet on the Ground.

.................................And then there is this....................

This is something I've been looking for a long time:


Grandmothers Mission Statement

WE, THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THIRTEEN INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS, represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life. We believe the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future. We look to further our vision through the realization of projects that protect our diverse cultures: lands, medicines, language and ceremonial ways of prayer and through projects that educate and nurture our children.


Statement of Alliance

WE ARE THIRTEEN INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS who came together for the first time from October 11 through October 17, 2004, in Phoenicia, New York. We gathered from the four directions in the land of the people of the Iroquois Confederacy. We come here from the Amazon rainforest, the Alaskan Tundra of North America, the great forest of the American northwest, the vast plains of North America, the highlands of central America, the Black Hills of South Dakota, the mountains of Oaxaca, the desert of the American southwest, the mountains of Tibet and from the rainforest of Central Africa.

Affirming our relations with traditional medicine peoples and communities throughout the world, we have been brought together by a common vision to form a new global alliance.

We are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. We have united as one. Ours is an alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children and for the next seven generations to come.

We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth, the contamination of our air, waters and soil, the atrocities of war, the global scourge of poverty, the threat of nuclear weapons and waste, the prevailing culture of materialism, the epidemics which threaten the health of the Earth's peoples, the exploitation of indigenous medicines, and with the destruction of indigenous ways of life.

We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, believe that our ancestral ways of prayer, peacemaking and healing are vitally needed today. We come together to nurture, educate and train our children. We come together to uphold the practice of our ceremonies and affirm the right to use our plant medicines free of legal restriction. We come together to protect the lands where our peoples live and upon which our cultures depend, to safeguard the collective heritage of traditional medicines, and to defend the earth Herself. We believe that the teachings of our ancestors will light our way through an uncertain future.

We join with all those who honor the Creator, and to all who work and pray for our children, for world peace, and for the healing of our Mother Earth.

For all our relations.

Margaret Behan-Cheyenne-Arapahoe Rita Pitkta Blumenstein–Yup’ik Aama Bombo–Tamang,,Nepal Julieta Casimiro-Mazatec Flordemayo-Mayan Maria Alice Campos Freire-Brazil Tsering Dolma Gyaltong-Tibetan Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance-Oglala Lakota Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance-Oglala Lakota Agnes Pilgrim- Takelma Siletz Mona Polacca-Hopi/ Havasupai Clara Shinobu Iura-Brazil Bernadette Rebienot- Omyene


The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers has group projects that represent the whole Council, and they also have projects as individuals. As women of tremendous energy and resources, the Grandmothers generate a great deal of energy and enthusiasm around projects that they sponsor themselves, as well as outside projects that they endorse.

For 3 years she remained a single mother filled with love, patience, determination, and protectiveness, while also filled with overwhelming not so hidden rage. She kept her peace through her lively involvement with her children and domestic arts. But she also began to travel and write. Her writings were in the form of letters she never sent. Catharsis. Her breakthrough was St. Thomas. In St. Thomas nuri Burville consciously decides to paint about her mission. She choose a genre that is popular, multicultural and religious in order to best convey her feelings. Opens up her possibilities, and in a nutshell,she defines her style She is innovate, to make it new, with tradition, to make it new, various forms of intimacy

the only choice she has given her emotional pain.
an artist that is able to innovate,


"The most marvelous ideas were conceived after a 3 hour nap. Most of them just after midnight."


Here are nine of the most common ways food labels lie, so you can prepare before your next trip to the grocery store.

“Made With Whole Grains”

Unbleached wheat flour is still the main ingredient; whole wheat flour is further down on the list, indicating that the product contains relatively little. One truth -- the presence of whole grains -- masks another; that whole grains make up an insignificant portion of the food.

Another factor to keep in mind is the presence of potassium bromate, a dough conditioner found in commercial bakery products and some flours, which is a major, but hidden cause of thyroid dysfunction. This ingredient may be used even in whole grain breads. For more information, please review this previous article.




Multi-Tasking, When to and When Not to.

There are many things more important than material acquisitions, career savvy and social position. There is curiosity, creativity, confidence, comfort, competence and even cowardice. Does the last one shock you? Then just hear me out.


Just stumbled onto a box of slides taken in the Caribbean when I was contemplating whether or not there was a God who cared for us. Looking at the sea and the sky I decided to choose the most pleasant sounding of alternatives which was to believe that there was a God and that She had no trouble understanding me, but I had to make a lot of effort to understood Her if I was going to ever be useful in this world. And since I  believed that my happiness depended upon how useful I was to the world, it was imperative that I step up my search for understanding this being I call God. That is when I ran into the Hindus. Then I ran into the Buddhists. Then I ran into the Christians. And underneath all their spiritual teachings they all sounded just about the same to me. There was an incredibly similar golden thread through out all of them that bound them together. There was only one thing I I didn't like about them was they never mentioned any other prophets other than their own. It was as if they never traveled, never met and made friends with anyone outside their own little religion, which they all thought was enormous.  


In my journey of life I will make sure that every mile be worth my while. And I will go the distance to make the world a better place....

We are fluid beings, walking, drinking, breathing in a sea of substances, many of them invisible. We are a cell of our mother. Our mother earth. We are intimate with our environment, just as lovers in bed. We are  not standing above or beyond it. We are a cell within our environment, intermeshed. Co-benefiting each other.

Ah ha! Health is about making sure we are connected with a healthy environment. Exercise, running, connection with community and spiritual entities----


Special, Special! I will be giving free downloads of my prints when I get organized and up and running.      I just don't know how to do this geek stuff yet. So I will get it figured out soon, I promice you!

It will be set up so that I can get permission to send you emails for my own promotional purposes, showing you a few more of my paintings every week or so, and offering you free downloads of my work so you can print your own posters and greeting cards. Even play with them on photo edifing software if you like; it's all fun.  Just click here ____(not ready yet)____ and enter the code number .... E1E42BA3D5


I went to AA and found a family of choice July 4 1985, 25 yrs ago . I stayed long enough to reclaim my family of origin too.

I am not an alcoholic, I go to AA meetings to feel like I have a family.


Posted Feb 25


Sister's Journey to Being Multi-Talented. Check it out. That's what I've been doing with my life after all. Never quite had a the job description right but there it is. Helping the sisters to believe in themselves, to realize how important their input is in making a better world. Then bim, bam, zip, zap and your talents are on their way to becoming heroic.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Stayin' Healthy

Kissing or hand shaking?

A recent report warns that you are at far greater risk of passing on an infection (illness) by shaking someone‘s hand than by sharing a kiss.

The report also notes that regular handwashing may be more effective than drugs in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses such as influenza and SARS.

Germs that cause stomach infections such as salmonella, campylobacter and norovirus can also circulate directly from person to person via your hands. Stomach germs can also be passed on if you put your fingers in your mouth or forget to wash your hands before preparing food.

Breaking the chain of infection depends on how well you wash your hands.

(Posted on Dr Mercola's website)


Another duh, duh, duh ... A growing body of research highlighting the central role of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages in driving the obesity epidemic prompted the Calif. Senator's bill

Can This Natural Hormone Actually Heal Brain Injuries & Strokes?

Can This Natural Hormone Actually Heal Brain Injuries & Strokes?


Living So Much Better On So Much Less.

The key to life is not a Secret! The key to life is to open up and SHARE!
How would you like a health and happiness storm to hit you this year?

Well all righty tighty then, welcome, fellow lovers of life! Come share a little piece of my peaceful storm with me.

Actually it isn't all so peaceful around the big ol' world, but world peace begins with inner peace, prosperity, health and oneness. We need a balance of spiritual, physical and emotional energy plus a good measure of effort to bring the changes we want in our personal world as well as in the world at large. We need to find better ways to bring higher levels of health, wealth and harmony into all of our lives. We are not little islands unto ourselves, what happens to our neighbor, for better or worse, ends up impacting our own balance for better or for worse.

Our world is like one of those mobile things that hang overhead on our patio; it makes tinkling noises when the wind blows. If one piece falls off the whole thing goes out of balance instantly. If one piece is replaced by a piece that is just a shabby chunk of junk the sound it makes is sour and annoying. We all need to stay sharp but mellow, on top of our game, but mindful of others needs and rights to do the same.

One of the greatest abilities we have within our every day activities that actually helps mend the broken places within ourselves, within our families, within our neighborhood our workplace or our school .... within even the most grouchy of people is to do little things that make life a bit easier for those you rub shoulders with, whether you like them or not.

If I do dozens of extra nice little things every day I will feel better about myself and be an example to those who see me do stuff as well as I do a little bit or a lot to change the mood of the recipient of my little nicety. Who knows? It's worth a shot. Better to live this way than any other way, I'll guarantee that!

It is scientifically proven in double blind studies that good little deeds, no matter how small soften the connecting tissue in our body which feels more relaxing, and allows oxygen to flow more freely through our entire cellular system. We likely won't succeed in curing all of our diseases this way, but we certainly will have better mental and emotional health and some measure of better physical health due to the three things mentioned above: one) The psychological effect of knowing you are doing nice things. Two) Significant softening of tissue and extra efficient physiological reactions. Three) Better oxygen flow to brain and other bodily functions.

There are hundreds of big and little things we can do to improve our brain function, our emotional balance, the health of our organs, our finances, our job performance, our relationships with co-workers, neighbors, friends and loved ones. It starts with harmony within ourselves and spreads out to others which goes a long way in mending our corner of the earth.

If we keep doing the nice little things they will become part of us eventually, and while we will did notice that these little things took a little extra time when we first started to do them, our new reality is that they saved us from many large and small irritations further on down the road. Life just got a bit easier and more pleasant. Plus all that extra oxygen in the organs which all works together to create a little more relaxed peaceful feeling within us, especially if we stick with it.

This bulletin just in from the improved version of the brain wave department:
One of the things that would help us feel and perform better is to spend one hour at least once a week all alone looking at awesome vegetable-picture-cook-books (library or thrift store?) making a real deep meditation of it.

Look at the juices, the textures the colors of things in the stew-pot, the green, orange, red, and gold juicy, succulent things on the serving platter. Let your mind and appetite glands get excited. Keep doing this as long and as often as it takes to get you totally excited about running to the fresh vegetable section of the grocery store and buying a half dozen vegetables that turn you on the most.

Go easy here because we don't want you to over-buy so that you get turned off by having to look at shriveled-up, slimy vegetables that you didn't have time or interest in cooking after the buzz of eagerness wore off in your same ol' same ol' kitchen.

Your next best little thing to do will be to poke into your kitchen drawers and cupboards and start grabbing two or three things out of every drawer or shelf; things that you absolutely totally need to prepare a quick meal. No specialized tools, just the most basic of basics, like on a simple cooking show.

Put them all into an unbreakable tall vase or basket and leave them on your counter top. Shut your eyes at all the other stuff that clutters up your counter top and simply but firmly swooooop into a basket, box or drawer and label "stuff for sooner or later" and then start washing your vegetables in warm water and a rough scrub cloth, maybe adding a little vinegar to the water.

When washing stuff to eat stay the heck away from chemical based cleaning agents, please, for your own good! Never mind all the bloody awful hype about poisons, bacteria and crap that comes along into your kitchen clinging to your food, its all a bunch of money grubbing hype to get you to consume cleaning supplies that are not only unnecessary, but more toxic than anything your vegetables ever touched before entering your little kitchen ... although they most assuredly did get touched with unnecessary toxic chemicals, it is nothing that warm water and a little vinegar can't wash off. Adding soaps just adds more toxins than the dirty vegetable came home with in the first place.

Please note that your chances of getting samonella or e-coli illness(even in an epidemic situation!) is about as likely as getting run over by a big bus today. In fact the old terrorist joke applies here: It is far more likely that you will be struck down by a terrorist than getting sick from inadequately washed vegetables... after all the real toxins and terrorists are our governments and all the commerical products that we think are protecting us!

More about this health stuff later.
So for now, have a happy little deed doing today!

Sharing ideas regarding the most prevalent health problems in our lives starting with eating, drinking and making merry in the street.