I am a renegade gorilla grandmother, totally preoccupied with the search for inspiration.....

I am a renegade gorilla grandmother, totally preoccupied with the search for inspiration.....
Very likely you also have felt the necessity to search, to over-turn all the swill that the mainstream media and the corporate world have doped us up with since our earliest years. Now we are older, our vision is broader we have studied outside the box and are finally coming together on the world stage as a wise and powerful force to reckon with. I salute you all! May the force and source bring out the best and the most in and for us all! For "All a We Are One!"

With Massive Creative Action - Together We Can Build A Healthier More Fair and Rewarding World.

Although I was born and raised in the USA, I also spent 19 years adding to my education by studying, painting, mentoring and teaching in the Islands of the West Indies. I am sure that I learned more from my adventures than I ever taught anyone. I lived without telephone, without running water, without an automobile and without medical intervention. I survived with the help of a thousand new friends. My story on blog xxx x x x xx(to be named and written later, sorry.)


Multi-Tasking, When to and When Not to.

There are many things more important than material acquisitions, career savvy and social position. There is curiosity, creativity, confidence, comfort, competence and even cowardice. Does the last one shock you? Then just hear me out.


Just stumbled onto a box of slides taken in the Caribbean when I was contemplating whether or not there was a God who cared for us. Looking at the sea and the sky I decided to choose the most pleasant sounding of alternatives which was to believe that there was a God and that She had no trouble understanding me, but I had to make a lot of effort to understood Her if I was going to ever be useful in this world. And since I  believed that my happiness depended upon how useful I was to the world, it was imperative that I step up my search for understanding this being I call God. That is when I ran into the Hindus. Then I ran into the Buddhists. Then I ran into the Christians. And underneath all their spiritual teachings they all sounded just about the same to me. There was an incredibly similar golden thread through out all of them that bound them together. There was only one thing I I didn't like about them was they never mentioned any other prophets other than their own. It was as if they never traveled, never met and made friends with anyone outside their own little religion, which they all thought was enormous.  


In my journey of life I will make sure that every mile be worth my while. And I will go the distance to make the world a better place....

We are fluid beings, walking, drinking, breathing in a sea of substances, many of them invisible. We are a cell of our mother. Our mother earth. We are intimate with our environment, just as lovers in bed. We are  not standing above or beyond it. We are a cell within our environment, intermeshed. Co-benefiting each other.

Ah ha! Health is about making sure we are connected with a healthy environment. Exercise, running, connection with community and spiritual entities----


Special, Special! I will be giving free downloads of my prints when I get organized and up and running.      I just don't know how to do this geek stuff yet. So I will get it figured out soon, I promice you!

It will be set up so that I can get permission to send you emails for my own promotional purposes, showing you a few more of my paintings every week or so, and offering you free downloads of my work so you can print your own posters and greeting cards. Even play with them on photo edifing software if you like; it's all fun.  Just click here ____(not ready yet)____ and enter the code number .... E1E42BA3D5


I went to AA and found a family of choice July 4 1985, 25 yrs ago . I stayed long enough to reclaim my family of origin too.

I am not an alcoholic, I go to AA meetings to feel like I have a family.

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