I am a renegade gorilla grandmother, totally preoccupied with the search for inspiration.....

I am a renegade gorilla grandmother, totally preoccupied with the search for inspiration.....
Very likely you also have felt the necessity to search, to over-turn all the swill that the mainstream media and the corporate world have doped us up with since our earliest years. Now we are older, our vision is broader we have studied outside the box and are finally coming together on the world stage as a wise and powerful force to reckon with. I salute you all! May the force and source bring out the best and the most in and for us all! For "All a We Are One!"

With Massive Creative Action - Together We Can Build A Healthier More Fair and Rewarding World.

Although I was born and raised in the USA, I also spent 19 years adding to my education by studying, painting, mentoring and teaching in the Islands of the West Indies. I am sure that I learned more from my adventures than I ever taught anyone. I lived without telephone, without running water, without an automobile and without medical intervention. I survived with the help of a thousand new friends. My story on blog xxx x x x xx(to be named and written later, sorry.)


Posted Feb 25


Sister's Journey to Being Multi-Talented. Check it out. That's what I've been doing with my life after all. Never quite had a the job description right but there it is. Helping the sisters to believe in themselves, to realize how important their input is in making a better world. Then bim, bam, zip, zap and your talents are on their way to becoming heroic.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


Someday I will have more time to write about politics! As for my quick note right now, I'm scared for the country that our children and their children will try to grow up, the poor people in this country have always had it rough. But now the country that I want to contribute to as a teacher and an artist is so far out of line it is very scary.


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